When you are choosing hair styles for your lace front wigs, be sure that you bear in mind the colors and styles that will most flatter you. Just as you should be sure to take a look at hair styles that look good on you, instead of on someone else. Just as you do before you get your virgin hair cut, you should do the same when you are choosing wigs.
The main thing that you have to consider when you are looking for wig styles is the shape of your face. The shape of your face should always dictate your hairstyle. You may think that a hair style looks great on another person, such as a friend or a celebrity, but you have to take into account your own face shape style.
How do we choose wigs?
Everyone has a different face shape. There are those with oval shaped faces, square shaped faces, long faces, round faces and even heart shaped faces. Take a look in the mirror and decide which type of face shape that you have. The type of wig that you purchase should compliment your face shape.
There are two ways that you can purchase lace front wigs. One way is to purchase them is at a wig store or you can choose to buy them online. Many women prefer to purchase wigs online as they have more time to browse selections. The problem with purchasing wigs online is that you do not have the option of trying them on.
You can rectify this situation by trying out different hairstyles online at interactive sites. This can give you a good idea of how you will look in different styles as well as colors. Once you get used to wearing wigs, you may want to start to wear them all of the time and change your style to suit your mood or the clothes that you are wearing.
Using interactive sites can give you an idea of how you look in lace front wigs that you choose. Once you see a style that looks attractive on you, you can then choose to buy a wig that is of that same style and color. This is the best way to try before you buy.
When you are buying wigs, you should have the same mindset that you have as when you are getting your hair styled. Do not go by what looks good on someone else, go by what looks good on you.
You can use an interactive website to find the style and color that you are looking for when it comes to choosing lace front wigs. Be sure to buy the accessories to take care of the wigs that are needed when you make your purchase.
Si cu perucile e ca și cu tunsorile, trebuie sa te avantajeze! Trebuie și ele întreținute, trebuie sa fie ok pentru tine… Sunt multe chestii de care sa ții cont
Ma gandesc ca o mesa mi-ar prinde foarte bine la a-mi construi o coafura interesanta si speciala.
Pe mine una, nu mă tentează perucile, meșele. Poate extensiile, deși am înțeles că dau mari bătăi de cap 🙂
Totuși, le apreciez pe cele care le folosesc și care știu să aleagă ce li se potrivește.
M-au fascinat mereu perucile pentru ca parul meu este lung si negru si orice schimbare mi-as dori, m-ar costa prea mult si as distruge prea tare parul.
O peruca colorata, cu par mai scurt sau stil afro, mi-ar placea tare mult.
Am o perucă, am avut mai multe, dar trebuie sa stii sa le si porti, eu una arat parca am capul lui Axinte :))
Am vazut la un moment dat un film in care personajul principal avea cate o peruca pentru fiecare tinuta si mi s-a parut foarte fain. Mi-as lua si eu una cu par drept si cred ca aplicatia in care poti sa vezi cum iti sta cu diverse peruci e de mare ajutor.
Mereu mi am dorit sa vad cum mi ar sta cu o peruca, am avut una cand eram mai mica.
Peruci n-am dar extensi da. Le folosesc destul de rar si doar la evenimente speciale!
Mi-ar placea si mie o peruca, dar cred ca trebuie sa stii sa o si pui cum trebuie ca sa nu arati ca o sperietoare.
O peruca as vrea si eu. Una intr-o culoare diferita de ce am ales pt parul meu.
Ma tenteaza si pe mine sa incerc o peruca colorata. Chiar sunt curioasa cum mi-ar sta.
Am si eu vreo 2 peruci si vreau sa zic ca a inceput sa-mi placa sa le port. Chiar mi-as mai lua