Fashion Mia is a recently discovered website which I will write about today. Why? Because I found a lot of great items at decent prices.
This fashion website caught my attention because here I’ve found a variety of women products different from the ones I’ve seen on other sites.
I’m glad that spring is finally here and I feel the need to buy season appropriate clothing. At the moment I am looking for some spring blouses and I guess I’ll place an order. Let me show you the ones that made me fell for it.
Leaf blouse
This leaf blouse made me go crazy about it! Look at it! Isn’t it absolutely gorgeous? And I’ve found an amazing combination on the website, with a green cloche skirt! You can see it lower.
I would love to wear this outfit on my birthday, it’s totaly me! I hope I find my size when I’m going to place the order on the website.
Do you like it? If you are interested in it you can buy it from here. Also, there are a lot of impressive blouses here in summer tops.
If there is one kind of t-shirt that I prefer the most, it would be the short sleeve t-shirt. Let me show you wich one I like from Fashion Mia.
Cotton lace T-shirt
This seems to me the perfect t-shirt for street style outfits, very comfortable but still fashionable. Looks incredible with white jeans and a pair of stiletto or just a pair of sneakers.
The thing I like the most of this article is that the lace is continuous from front to back. You can see it in this picture. Isn’t it cool?
Another thing that I like is the oversized cut, it’s a must this spring. I really have to buy it, to include it in my street style outfits! Light grey is one of my favourite blouse colors so this is another reason for me to have it.
I know you like it too, so I will let you the link to it right here. Also, you can find plenty of t-shirts in the short sleeve t-shirts category.
I’ve heard a lot of great things about this website and its clothes so that encouraged me to buy. As far as I know, the sizes correspond and the items are high quality, so lucky me!
And now tell me, wich one of these two items did you liked the most and why?
Imi place foarte mult prima bluza deoarece e vaporoasa si foarte frumoasa <3
Da, este deosebita! N-am mai vazut ceva asemanator pana acum.
Imi place foarte mult prima bluza in combinatie cu fusta <3
Si mie imi place mult de tot cum au gandit acel outfit. 😀
Arata bine piesele vestimentare, imi plac hainele putin mai vaporoase mai ales vara 😄
Same here! :))
Prima bluzita, cea verde e superba💚💚
Si mie imi place la nebunieee! 😀
hmm, superba prima… perfecta pentru o primavara verde!
Imi plac produsele de la ei. Am niste rochii tare interesante de pe acest site
Am observat ca au modele cumva mai aparte.
Foarte interesante bluzele, imi plac cum incep cu acea broderie sus ca mai apoi sa continue in mod firesc bluza. Au lucruri dragute pe site, am vazut
Ce faina e prima bluza, ma duce cu gandul la primavara.
Daaa… Si pe mine m-au fascinat frunzulitele acelea. 😀
Ce modele frumoase ai ales. Ești o adevărată sursă de inspirație.
Multumesc foarte mult pentru apreciere! 😀
Nu am comandat niciodata de aici, dar vad ca au haine tare frumoase
Intr-adevar! Au o multime de articole faine.
De pe Fashionmia nu poti pleca fara sa umpli cosul de cumparaturi.
Chiar ca! Mi-au placut o multime de hainute.
Ce bluze frumoase. Interesante dantelele.
Imi plac si mie mult de tot.
ce draguta e fusta verde, am pus ochii pe ea
Mie imi place tare combinatia de bluza cu fusta. 😀
bluza cu frunzulite e tare interesanta! nu am mai vazut modelul asta pana acum
Nici eu, tocmai de asta mi-a si atras atentia. 😀
I’m not in the mood of writing English today, but anyway, I like your choices…!
Thank you!
Nu era obligatoriu sa scrii in engleza! 😀 Pupici!
Initial am crezut ca e rochita, dar apoi am citit ca e bluza si fusta. Sunt combinate perfect. Me like it! 😛
Si mie imi place tare combinatia aceea! 😀
Bluza gri cu franjuri este foarte atragatoare. Imi plac produsele lor
Si mie, mult de tot! Au o multime de articole faine.
Frumoasa aceste insertii de broderie sau dantela in bluze, le da eleganta si finete.
Exact! M-a atras ca un magnet! 🙂
Acea bluza verde cu frunze e tare chic! Imi place tare mult cum se asaza!
Daaa, mai ales in combinatie cu fusta aceea verde, este dementiala! 😀
Bluzele vaporoase vara sunt bine venite
Intr-adevar! Ne ofera tot confortul de care avem nevoie.
Cei de la FashionMia au hainute de calitate si la preturi accesibile.
Urmeaza sa ma conving si eu… Astept o prima comanda.